Raising Confident Girls with Melissa Jones

Welcome to the Next Chapter: Easing School Transitions for Your Daughter

Melissa Jones Episode 22

Welcome back to another episode of the Raising Confident Girls podcast! Even though summer has just started, this week's episode focuses on planning for the new school year, especially if you have a girl going through a school transition. School transitions can include moving schools, advancing grades, or those big leaps from middle school to high school. These changes can be challenging and stressful for our girls as they face many unknowns.

In this episode, I share actionable tips to make these transitions less intimidating and provide small steps you can start now to prepare for the fall!

Listen in for more on:

  • What concerns and thoughts might be going through your girl's mind
  • Different ways you can plan ahead instead of waiting until the fall
  • 10 actionable things you can do to prepare your girl for these transitions
  • How to keep your girl feeling supported and reassured through these times

Transitions can always be tough, even more so when our girls are going through other changes in their life. Taking the extra time to ensure they are supported and feeling prepared for the changes to come is crucial. 

Tune in and let's make these transitions smoother together!

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